Thursday, March 18, 2010

I even amazed myself.... *pictures*

**** So I added the pictures of all the LOOT I got at double coupon day**

I even amazed myself yesterday.... of course I spent HOURS preparing for it, as usual.  I have clipped and sorted all week. My kitchen table has not been the same.... its more like my "other" desk!  I even went out and got 6 papers on Sunday cuz the coupons were so good.
I did the usual dropping the girls off at school and headed to the PX for the monthly DOUBLE COUPON DAY!  It seems more and more people are catching on to this. And I swear they dont stock the shelf in preperation for the day.... there are so many times the shelves in spots are bare by 8:15am and the store opens at 8am.  But yesterday was a slight exception..... they actually had product.
My 1st trip was the best..... oh yes, if you dont know already I make MANY trips to get my deals.  They limit you to 2 of the same coupon at a time.  But it seems that not all the cashiers are on board with that.  Some will let you get by with more than 2 and others wont.  Some will take printed coupons from the internet and others wont....... anyways, I got sidetracked there..... on to my totals
 ok so here are my totals.... my 1st trip total SHOULD'VE BEEN :  $509.54 and I paid $69.89 

My 2nd trip was VERY FRUSTRATING!  I dont know why but I usually get stuck with the cashiers that are NEW or "this is my 1st time doing coupons"  WHY ME???? I didnt figure this out on this trip til about half way through.  With Delaney asleep in my arms I was not about to have him Void it all and go to someone else, which in the long run wouldve been a better idea.  Ok so he OVERCHARGED me $10.49, well he just charged me 2 times for something I knew he had rang up already. But he didnt believe me.... what is that saying the customer is ALWAYS right?  uh huh... I was right!  So my total SHOULD'VE BEEN : $302.35 and I paid $54.54 

My 3rd trip was quick and filled with snacks!  They had a coupon that was for $1.00 off a 20oz bottle of coke and a reese's peanut butter treat.  Doubling it I got both for $0.09 cents!  Who can pass that up?  My total SHOULD'VE BEEN :  $105.86 and I paid $5.23 

My 4th trip was quick.... only a few things  My total SHOULD'VE BEEN : $14.73 paid $1.14 

My 5th trip was fun... I went with 3 of my 4 girls. (Kelsee stayed home to build a fort with her daddy)
I ran into 3 of my friends from Church... 2 of us stood outside and gabbed for a bit about our savings and trips we had made.  It is fun to take my little helpers with me to go find things for me.  saves me from running all over the place. ;)  Thats why we had kids my hubby always reminds me.
Ok so my total SHOULD'VE BEEN :  $241.74 and I paid $40.60 (I think she screwed up on a couple of my coupons too but OH WELL)
So my grand totals for the whole day  
  SHOULD have been  

$1174.18 and I only paid $171.40 
Thats right you read it right..... WOW!  That what I thought too. That is the most Ive spent but by far the MOST I've saved!

so what can you get for $171.40???? ALL THIS!


  1. WOW! Thats just too much work and time for me though to get that prepared and clip and save the coupons....kudos to you though :)

  2. Do you actually use all that stuff?? Great for years supply! I am afraid it would go bad before it got used up??

  3. I actually do use most of it. I have yard sales though and sell the stuff I dont use for $1-$2. And believe me it goes FAST!

  4. The pictures make this post even more AWESOME!!!!!
    When you come to visit me in April...I would be okay with you bringing me some of your treasures.... :)

  5. Oh dont worry Jeanne.... I will bring you LOTS of treasures :)
