Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's go back in time!

The girls had RETRO day at school on Friday.  Of course they (the school) didnt tell us until Thurs nite.  Not really enough time to make something or even go "down the hill" (to Palm Springs) to get something for them to wear..... so we had to use our imaginations.  They could dress up as anything from 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or early 2000.

This is what we came up with. Of course Haylee didn't want to dress up... she is too old for that!

Big Hair  and everything!  Shirt says RADICAL DUDE!
the ripped up jeans that are rolled with the double socks slouched!

The hair didnt last very long though with the desert winds!
Kelsee wanted to dress 50's style so we did the rolled up jeans, the button down shirt that was tied. and the hairbow.
Oh!  and the Rolled socks
Aren't they CUTE???

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's that time again!

Ok so here are my totals from Double Coupon day this month.  I didn't do as good as I did last month but I set the bar high with those totals!  But I was still successful

1st trip was $376.62 and I paid $60.01

2nd trip was $179.77 and I paid $24.90

3rd trip was $137.24 and I paid $30.42

4th trip was $89.34 and I paid $13.42 

5th trip was $113.64 and I paid $28.09

6th trip was $21.36 and I paid $0.00  (Thats right ZIPPO!)

7th trip was $21.71 and I paid $0.31 

For GRAND TOTALS of $939.68 and I paid  $156.96 only spending 16% of my total

All the loot!

got 2 packages of diapers for $2.99 each and the other 2 for $4.99 each

the Mach 3 refills for $3.89 each for a 5pk.

this time I even got games and toys.  2 FREE Monopoly jr. games, mrs. potato head for $2.99 and the talking Chuck for free

batteries for $0.38 a 4pk

~~Don't worry I will share in the wealth and I am bringing a bunch of goodies when I come up to UTAH.~~

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Playdough creations

The girls LOVE to play with playdough.... while up in Simi these are just a few of the CREATIONS they made. 

Their latest favorites are making CAKES! 
Haylee's cake

and This is Sydney's cake. (she didn't want to be in the picture)

Then this is Haylee's too
That white piece is actually Delaney's foot print.  
This is Sydney's Easter creation. Check out the little carrots and on top of the blue bowl is a bunny.

That is Haylee's Easter bunny and carrots too!

This is the full shot

I love seeing the creations and things they come up with. I am AMAZED at times with their creativity.  I hope they NEVER grow out of it.

Everybody's gotta do it!

While in Simi for Spring Break.......Delaney was in desperate need of a BATH!  I remembered she had NOT had a bath in gramma sink YET.  Everybody has had at least 1 bath in the sink (including kids, grandkids and even some daycare babies)  
So I filled up the sink and in she went.  Needless to say.....
And she was so proud of herself.  Love the smile.  She is such happy girl.


The BEFORE...... one last look at the Kitchen floor at my mom & dad's before my brother and I replaced it over Spring Break
still busting up the floor.  (This was the last little bit behind the fridge.)
 We moved everything out of the kitchen friday nite to prepare for Putting in the NEW floor on saturday, in between sessions of Conference.  Take 1 last look at the old stuff.
It looks even better with this floor instead....

Oh and we couldn't forget under the stove.  Have I said how fun it was busting those things up?  I loved it!  It was a great workout.

My brother, David, was so precise in making sure we got all the little pieces of stuff up.  

Us HARD at work putting in the new tiles.  Yes I MADE my mom take this picture or else I wouldn't have been in any of them!  (I am always the one taking them)

It already looks amazing huh? and we weren't even finished!
Take it all in.  It looks SOOO Good and my mom loves it!!!

Sydney hanging out with us as we were putting the floor down.  The girls were big helpers.  Haylee kept Delaney busy and Kelsee and Sydney picked up all the trash for us.  

The FINISHED product!  After we moved everything back in the kitchen.  Now we are looking forward to PAINTING next time :)  I CANT WAIT!!!

We did it!  With some help from our friend Chris Canihan. He wouldnt let me take any pictures of him helping :)

My 1st popsicle

Delaney had her 1st popsicle at Gramma's house. She explored it for a little bit

but then she tasted it... and LOVED it

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's just a LITTLE booboo

So I get a call from the school this morning..... just the second day back at school after Spring Break.  I always dread when the school calls!  What happened now and who do I have to go pick up????

So the front desk lady says, "Mrs Conrad I have Kelsee up here in the Nurses office.  She fell and got a scrape on her face while at recess.  She cleaned it with soap and water but there is still some of the blacktop in it.  I just didnt know whether you would want to come clean it better or what.  Just thought I would let you know."  So of course with that I got Delaney up from her nap and headed over to the school.  I couldnt find the Johnsons booboo wash (as Kelsee calls it) so I figured baby wipes could do the trick too (they clean up everything!)
When I got to the school, this is what I found

This is NOT a LITTLE booboo!  
She had black all over the 1 side of her shirt, a hole in her leggings (they were brand new by the way!) and this BIG booboo on her face.  She even told me she had spit out some blacktop that she got in her mouth.  WHAT???? Are you kidding?  My poor little girl.  She was crying when I got there. She was so sad.  I tried cleaning it with a wipe and she said it burned!  The front office had not even given her an ice pack.  I was REALLY ticked!  I went out to my truck and got some Tylenol for her, because of course they can't give kids that either!  

I asked Kelsee over and over if she wanted me to take her home.  She said "NO I can make it mom!"  What a big girl.  So I gave her big kisses and hugs and said goodbye.  Good thing its early day at school!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Reason we celebrate

The coloring of Easter Eggs.  The Easter Egg Hunts. and ALL The CANDY!  is FUN, But

I hope on this day we can remember our Savior and the Sacrifice that HE made for each of us.    

He gave HIS life for us so that we may return to our Heavenly Father once again.  I am so grateful for this and the knowledge that I can be forgiven for all my shortcomings (and believe me Ive got SOME) 
I have a strong testimony of the restored gospel and I am so grateful to KNOW my Heavenly Father and my Savior.  

We want to wish you all a VERY HAPPY EASTER! 

We MISS you all!