Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's go back in time!

The girls had RETRO day at school on Friday.  Of course they (the school) didnt tell us until Thurs nite.  Not really enough time to make something or even go "down the hill" (to Palm Springs) to get something for them to wear..... so we had to use our imaginations.  They could dress up as anything from 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or early 2000.

This is what we came up with. Of course Haylee didn't want to dress up... she is too old for that!

Big Hair  and everything!  Shirt says RADICAL DUDE!
the ripped up jeans that are rolled with the double socks slouched!

The hair didnt last very long though with the desert winds!
Kelsee wanted to dress 50's style so we did the rolled up jeans, the button down shirt that was tied. and the hairbow.
Oh!  and the Rolled socks
Aren't they CUTE???


  1. SO cute!!!! I miss the 80's they were so much fun!

  2. This is back in my day. Oh boy. It used to make my dad cringe to see me (in his words) leaving the house dressed in pj's and hair looking like a bird's nest.

    Your peeps look very cute, late notice and all.

  3. thanks girls. I miss the 80's too! I totally should've done blue eyeshadow on Sydney.... lol

  4. Haylee you are never too old to dress up! It is fun! But I understand.
    Jen you did a GREAT job in helping the girls fit their parts! way to GO!!!!
