Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some of my "comforts" right now....

so I have been feeling ALOT overwhelmed lately.... with my weight that is.  I have talked to my sisters and my friends about it.  It is REALLY sad when you no longer can fit into your clothes.  And the only thing that does fit you has elastic waist or drawstring!  
It has been over 5 months now since my Marine deployed.  It is REALLY hard for me to sleep when he isnt here.  So I usually stay up and watch a little tv or I mess around on the computer (blog hopping, Facebook or email)  I also EAT.... why? not because I am hungry but because I get bored!  
Here are a few of my "comforts" as of the last 5 months
I LOVE Edwards Singles Hot Fudge Brownie dessert.  Perfectly portioned out already, just enough sweet :)
Yummy S'mores.  The gooer the better.
I Love me the chocolate and peanut butter mix.... and then I can never be without
Yup! Thats right more sugar and carbs... Just what I need huh?
So I don't really wonder WHY I CAN'T fit into my clothes, or WHY I have gained about 15lbs in the last 5+ months.  The reasons are VERY clear..... (see above pictures ;)
NOW I gotta get this extra weight off before my Marine gets home and we go to the ball......  Can I do it???  I sure hope so.  

But I tell you what... I have have enjoyed every TREAT I've had.  And even if for  little bit I am "comforted"


  1. I can sooo relate. When Nathan is working nightshifts, I have such a hard time. I can't sleep, and food becomes my friend. Tonight, I had to talk myself out of making cookies because I knew it would end badly, lol.

  2. I feel your pain! Erik works the 24hr shirts and I am alone a lot and can not sleep. I now can not sleep without the tv on, even when he is home. Also, as i have gotten older i eat when I stress out and as you know, what Mom isn't always stressed out. I have gained 20lbs. so I got you beat. I've been battling with trying to loss it for years! So frustrating! Good luck!

  3. S'mores WITH reeses...BEST THING EVER!

    but seriously, I'm doing a "food vs. my waistline" challenge right now. Wanna join in? I find that blogging about all of it makes it easier!

  4. Reese's are my hubby's favorite! That man is OBSESSED. And the little one as soon as he hears wrappers will come running from wherever he is. It's hilarious.

    But me, I love carbs :( It's my kryptonite.

  5. Oh! I am already on that bandwagon of TRYING to loose weight! I have worked out for 6 days in a row now. Ya that is an accomplishment. I struggle with my weight. Before I had my baby I worked out 6 days a week and lost 10 lbs. I am looking more at about 15 lbs now :)
