Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Confessional


Hard to believe it's FRIDAY again! Wow this last week was a whirlwind!
 So here we go....

I CONFESS... I am birthday 'd OUT!  I have had 2 girls Birthday's within the last week and now still have a sleepover/bowling party for my oldest (since her bday was wednesday and we could "celebrate" then) tonite -tomorrow.  OH THE JOYS!

I CONFESS... that I am STILL ticked at my hubby over MONEY! (read about it here)

I CONFESS... that I am stressed and NEED a break!

I CONFESS... my marine's monitor, wants him in MICHIGAN by April 30th.... I don't see how that is even possible!  That means I have LOTS of CRAPOLA to do in the next Month! YA that's right I said  "I" not my marine.  He just sits back and relaxes... oh and has to do his "check out" crap.

I CONFESS.... I am not being the most positive right now.  But I had BIG plans to go to Womens Conference in Utah the last weekend in April and now I am FEARING that I am NOT going to be able to make it there.  I am NOT wanting to miss out since ALL of my sisters (well all but the 1 who wants NOTHING to do with us)  and my mom will be there.  This will be the 1st time we've been together in YEARS!

I CONFESS... I am going to TRY to be POSITIVE about all this...Everything happens for a reason, right? 
To end on a GOOD note though....

I CONFESS that Hilary over at the The Whole FamDamily made my morning!  I was checking my blogs, like always, and she posted about ME :)  How exciting!  She took my ABC's of me and did her own!  WOW! Do I feel special so now on with my day!  Thanks HILARY for making it start off GREAT!


  1. Hope you get to hang out with your sisters. And that things cheer up! And make you man get to work! Being lazy is not an option!

  2. That's a lot of celebrating--I'd be celebrated out too.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. Thanks girls! I love commments :) They make me a happy girl. I know it's silly.

    Funny thing is, I wrote that about my husband and then today after work all he has done is go through stuff and has CLEANED his side of our room. I am a proud wife!
