Friday, January 8, 2010

Hawaii or BUST!

Well - it has finally come.... the time when we hear when we get outta here and where we go.  The verdict:


Can you say EXCITED?  Matthew is to report no earlier than Nov 1 and No later than Nov 30 as of right now.  It can always change because he still has to deploy but that is where it stands right now.  We are looking forward to the new chapter and duty station.  Looking forward to GREEN and no more DIRT~

**I meant to get video of the girls reactions but didnt!  But they were priceless!**

When we told the girls tonite at dinner the reactions were not as I expected.  Haylee and Sydney both said  NO!  and kelsee said YES!  But after a little discussion they are all excited to go.  Sydney and Kelsee can't wait to take Hawaiian dance lessons. =)  Haylee said maybe surfing????  Anywhere is better than this crap hole!  Sorry but 29 Palms is seriously the armpit CA, the Marine Corps and maybe even the country!

We are looking forward to visiting family and friends *hopefully* before we leave the states.  You are all WELCOME TO VISIT US!   Just remember all you have to buy is a plane ticket!  We will have a place for you to stay.
Now onto the COUNTDOWN! November here we come! It will be here before we know it


  1. Congrats, I am soooo jealous you get to live in such a beautiful place!

  2. I still can't believe it! It will be an exciting adventure for your family! We can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Im so happy for you! I know how much youve hated it there. Hawaii is FANTASTIC!

  4. Life's full of surprises--Sounds like a nice change to me! Enjoy the countdown, too. :)
